
Tord M. Johnson

May 9, 2021

Notes on the Exercies

Primary: knuth1963 [Knu63], leveque1956 [LeV56, chapter 3], ribenboim1979 [Rib79], wiles1995 [Wil95]; Secondary: bell1990 [Bel90], euclid2006 [Euc06], gauss1965 [Gau65], heath2008 [Hea08], singh1998 [Sin98].

1.1 Algorithms

Primary: floyd1994 [FB94, chapter 3.3], markov1954 [Mar54], markov1988 [MN88], zemanek1981 [Zem81]. Secondary: church1985 [Chu85], church1996 [Chu96], church2019 [Chu19], copeland2004 [Cop04], copeland2013 [CPS13], davis2004 [Dav04], godel2001a [Göd01a], godel2001b [Göd01b], godel2001c [Göd01c], godel2013a [Göd13a], godel2013b [Göd13b], hoare1972 [HA72], hofstadter1999 [Hof99], kleene2012 [Kle12], vanheijenoort2002 [vH02], whitehead2011 [WR11].

1.2 Mathematical Preliminaries

Primary: graham1994 [GKP94].

1.2.1 Mathematical Induction

Primary: bussey1917 [Bus17], cajori1918 [Caj18], conway1996 [CG96, chapter 2], dijkstra1975 [Dij75], dijkstra1976 [Dij76], floyd1967 [Flo67], floyd1972 [Flo72], gardner1986 [Gar86, chapter 16], golomb1965 [Gol65], hardy1999 [Har99, chapters 6, 8], henkin1960 [Hen60], hoare1971 [Hoa71], king1972 [Kin72], morris1984 [MJ84], naur1966 [Nau66], polya1954 [Pól54, chapter 7], rashed1972 [Ras72], sduk1838 [Soc38, pp. 465–466], turing1949 [Tur49], vonneumann1963 [vN63, pp. 91–99]. Secondary: conway2001 [Con01], fraleigh2002 [Fra02], hardy2008 [HW08].

1.2.2 Numbers, Powers, and Logarithms

Primary: cajori1913a [Caj13a], cajori1913b [Caj13b], cajori1913c [Caj13c], cajori1913d [Caj13d], cajori1913e [Caj13e], cajori1913f [Caj13f], cajori1913g [Caj13g], chen1972 [Che72], linskii1957 [Lin57], knuth1986d [Knu86c, § 120–147], meggitt1962 [Meg62], meggitt1963 [Meg63]. Secondary: feynman1999 [Fey99], hamming1997 [Ham97], hey2002 [Hey02], knuth1986a [Knu86e], knuth1986b [Knu86d], knuth1986c [Knu86b], knuth1986e [Knu86a].

1.2.3 Sums and Products

Primary: apostol1974 [Apo74, 1st edition: chapter 12; or 2nd edition: chapter 8], binet1813 [Bin13], cauchy1815 [Cau15], cauchy1841 [Cau41], chebyshev1882 [Che82], demoivre1738 [dM38, pp. 197–199], euler1827a [Eul27a, § 1169], knuth1992 [Knu92], krattenthaler1990 [Kra90], sylvester1857 [Syl57], todd1961 [Tod61], waring1779 [War79]. Secondary: cauchy1840 [Cau40, pp. 151–159], cauchy1844 [Cau44], cauchy1847 [Cau47], euler1824 [Eul24], euler1827b [Eul27b], euler1845 [Eul45], krattenthaler1988 [Kra88], livio2003 [Liv03].

1.2.4 Integer Functions and Elementary Number Theory

Primary: busche1909 [Bus09], eisele1990 [EH90], eisenstein1844 [Eis44], hamel1905 [Ham05], hermite1884 [Her84], mordell1958 [Mor58], yoder1975 [Yod75].

1.2.5 Permutations and Factorials

Primary: arbogast1800 [Arb00, § 52], capelli1893 [Cap93], davis1959 [Dav59], dutka1984 [Dut84], faadibruno1857 [dB57], good1961 [Goo61], hankel1864 [Han64], knopp1951 [Kno51, pp. 518–520, 527, 534], kramp1808 [Kra08, p. 219], legendre1808 [Leg08, p. 8], stirling1753 [Sti53, p. 137], struik1969 [Str69, pp. 244–253], toscano1939 [Tos39], uhler1955 [Uhl55], wall1938 [Wal38]. Secondary: euler1729 [Eul29], hermite1917 [Her17, proof of 1900, pp. 529–543], kramp1801 [Kra01], shanks1962 [SW62], smith1958a [Smi58a], smith1958b [Smi58b], stickelberger1890 [Sti90], tweddle2003 [Twe03], vacca1899 [Vac99], waring1782 [War82, 1st edition: p. 218; or 3rd edition: p. 380], weeks1991 [Wee91].

1.2.6 Binomial Coefficients

Primary: abel1826a [Abe26a], barton1960 [BDM60], barton1963 [BDM63], cauchy1843 [Cau43], chakravarti1932 [Cha32], demoivre1730 [dM30, p. 101], diaconis1991 [DZ91], dickson1902 [Dic02], dixon1891 [Dix91], dixon1903 [Dix03], dougall1907 [Dou07], dutka1984 [Dut84], euler1774 [Eul74], fine1947 [Fin47], fostemann1835 [Fös35], gasper1990 [GR90], gauss1813 [Gau13], gauss1808 [Gau08], gould1956 [Gou56], gould1962 [SMG62, p. 572], gould1966 [GK66], graham1994 [GKP94, § 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 6.1, 6.2, 6.5; exercises 5.75, 5.83, 5.106, 6.57], heine1847 [Hei47], hui1407 [Hui07, chapter 16,344], hurwitz1902 [Hur02], hwang1995 [Hwa95], jacobi1846 [Jac46], karamata1935 [Kar35], knuth1971 [Knu71], knuth1989 [KW89], knuth1992 [Knu92, pp. 403–422; pp. 410–422], kramp1808 [Kra08, p. 359], kummer1852 [Kum52], lovasz1993 [Lov93, problem 13.31], lucas1878b [Luc78b, pp. 229–230], macmahon1902 [Mac02], mahavira1912 [Mah12, chapter 6], moser1958a [MW58b], moser1958b [MW58a], needham1959 [Nee59, pp. 138-139], newton1676a [New76a], newton1676b [New76b], pascal1665 [Pas65], pascal1887 [Pas87], patwardhan2006 [PNS06, § CXX, CXXII], petkovsek1996 [PWZ96], pfaff1797 [Pfa97, pp. 38–57], pingala1874 [Piṅ74], poincare1896 [Poi96, pp. 56-60], ramshaw1977 [Ram77], ramus1834 [Ram34], redheffer1996 [Red96], rogers1895 [Rog95, pp. 15–32; § 8], rothe1793 [Rot93], rothe1811 [Rot11, p. xxix], scherk1828 [Sch28], schweins1820 [Sch20, § 151], stirling1753 [Sti53], temme1993 [Tem93], torelli1895 [Tor95], vandermonde1772 [Van72], vonettingshausen1826 [vE26, § 31], wilf1993 [Wil93]. Secondary: alder2002 [Ald02], logan1987 [Log87], lucas1878a [Luc78a], lucas1878c [Luc78c], needham1954 [Nee54], needham1956 [Nee56].

1.2.7 Harmonic Numbers

Primary: cullen2007 [Cul07], euler1734 [Eul34], gould1961 [Gou61], graham1994 [GKP94, § 6.5], hardy2008 [HW08, section 7.8], klamkin1962 [KKWvL62], nanjundiah1963 [Nan63], selfridge1960 [SS60]. Secondary: waring1782 [War82, 2nd edition: p. 383].

1.2.8 Fibonacci Numbers

Primary: bergman1957 [Ber57], bernoulli1728 [Ber28, § 7], boncampagni1857 [Bon57, pp. 283–285], conway1996 [CG96, pp. 113–126], cook1979 [Coo79, p. 420], coxeter1953 [Cox53], demoivre1722 [dM22], dickson2005a [Dic05a, chapter 17], gardner1961 [Gar61, chapter 8], graham1994 [GKP94, § 6.6], jarden1966 [Jar66, pp. 30–33], kepler1608 [Kep08], kepler2014 [Kep14, p. 21], klarner1968 [Kla68], lekkerkerker1952 [Lek52], lucas1878b [Luc78b, pp. 201–204], markowsky1992 [Mar92], pisano1202 [Pis02], riordan1962 [Rio62], schreiber1995 [Sch95], singh1985 [Sin85], stolarsky1976 [Sto76], schwenk1970 [Sch70], whinihan1963 [Whi63]. Secondary: bernoulliiii1771 [III72], boncampagni1862 [Bon62], cooper1995 [CK95], dickson2005b [Dic05b], dickson2005c [Dic05c], frey1947 [Fre47, pp. 705–706], gardner2008a [Gar08b, chapter 8], gardner2008b [Gar08a], gardner2009 [Gar09], gardner2014 [Gar14], jacob1565 [Jac65], jarden1949 [JM49], kepler1955 [Kep55, pp. 154–165,429] leger1837 [Lég37], lucas1876a [Luc76a], lucas1876b [Luc76b], markov1882 [Mar82], matiyasevich1993 [Mat93], shallit1994 [Sha94], sigler2003 [Pis03, pp. 404–405], vorobev2002 [Vor02], zeckendorf1972 [Zec72].

1.2.9 Generating Functions

Primary: demoivre1722 [dM22], stirling1753 [Sti53, proposition 15], euler1741 [Eul41], euler1750 [Eul50], laplace1814 [Lap14], bell1923 [Bel23], niven1969 [Niv69], henrici1974 [Hen74, chapter 1], zave1976 [Zav76], spiess1990 [Spi90], cauchy1826 [Cau26, pp. 95–113], polya1956 [Pól56], graham1994 [GKP94, chatper 7], wilf2006 [Wil06], polya1954 [Pól54, chapter 6], newton1707 [New07], struik1969 [Str69, pp. 94–95], girard1629 [Gir29], gauss1813 [Gau13, § 33, Eq. [75]], abel1826b [Abe26b, pp. 314–315], knopp1956 [Kno56], carlitz1965 [Car65], egorychev1977 [Ego77], knuth1994 [Knu94]. Secondary: henrici1977 [Hen77], henrici1986 [Hen86], knopp1951 [Kno51, section 66], polya1945 [Pól45], richter1949 [Ric49].


[Abe26a]    N. H. Abel. Beweis eines ausdruckes, von welchem die binomial-formel ein einzelner fall ist. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 1:159–160, 1826. [Crelle’s Journal].

[Abe26b]    N. H. Abel. Untersuchungen über die reihe: 1 + m 1 x + m(m1) 12 x2 + m(m1)(m2) 123 x3 + u.s.w. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 1:311–339, 1826. [Crelle’s Journal].

[Ald02]    K. Alder. The Measure of All Things: The Seven-Year Odyssey and Hidden Error That Transformed the World. Free Press, New York, 2002.

[Apo74]    T. M. Apostol. Mathematical Analysis. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 2nd edition, 1974.

[Arb00]    L. F. A. Arbogast. Du calcul des Dérivations. Landmarks of science. Levrault, Strasbourg, 1800.

[BDM60]    D. E. Barton, F. N. David, and M. Merrington. Tables for the solution of the exponential equation exp (a) + ka = 1. Biometrika, 47:439–445, 1960.

[BDM63]    D. E. Barton, F. N. David, and M. Merrington. Tables for the solution of the exponential equation exp (b) b(1 p) = 1. Biometrika, 50:169–176, 1963.

[Bel23]    E. T. Bell. Euler algebra. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 25:135–154, 1923.

[Bel90]    E. T. Bell. The Last Problem. Spectrum. Mathematical Association of America, [Washington, D.C.], revised and updated by underwood dudley edition, 1990.

[Ber28]    D. Bernoulli. Observationes de seriebus. Commentarii academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae, 3:85–100, 1728.

[Ber57]    G. M. Bergman. A number system with an irrational base. Mathematics Magazine, 31:98–110, 1957.

[Bin13]    J. Binet. Mémoire sur un systeme de formules analytiques, et leur application a des considerations géométriques. Journal de l’Ecole Polytechnique, 9:280–354, 1813.

[Bon57]    B. Boncampagni. Scritti di Leonardo Pisano, volume 1. Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, Rome, 1857.

[Bon62]    B. Boncampagni. Scritti di Leonardo Pisano, volume 2. Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, Rome, 1862.

[Bus09]    E. Busche. Zur theorie der funktionen. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 136:42, 1909. [Crelle’s Journal].

[Bus17]    W. H. Bussey. The origin of mathematical induction. American Mathematical Monthly, 24:199–207, 1917.

[Caj13a]    F. Cajori. History of the exponential and logarithmic concepts. American Mathematical Monthly, 20:5–14, 1913.

[Caj13b]    F. Cajori. History of the exponential and logarithmic concepts. American Mathematical Monthly, 20:35–47, 1913.

[Caj13c]    F. Cajori. History of the exponential and logarithmic concepts. American Mathematical Monthly, 20:75–84, 1913.

[Caj13d]    F. Cajori. History of the exponential and logarithmic concepts. American Mathematical Monthly, 20:107–117, 1913.

[Caj13e]    F. Cajori. History of the exponential and logarithmic concepts. American Mathematical Monthly, 20:148–151, 1913.

[Caj13f]    F. Cajori. History of the exponential and logarithmic concepts. American Mathematical Monthly, 20:173–182, 1913.

[Caj13g]    F. Cajori. History of the exponential and logarithmic concepts. American Mathematical Monthly, 20:205–210, 1913.

[Caj18]    F. Cajori. Origin of the name“mathematical induction”. American Mathematical Monthly, 25:197–201, 1918.

[Cap93]    A. Capelli. L’analisi algebrica e l’inerpretazione fattoriale delle potenze. Giornale di Matematiche di Battaglini, 31:291–313, 1893.

[Car65]    L. Carlitz. Multiple sums and generating functions. Collectanea Mathematica, 17:281–296, 1965.

[Cau15]    A. L. Cauchy. Mémoire sur les fonctions qui ne peuvent obtenir que deux valeurs égales et de signes contraires par suite des transpositions opérées entre les variables qu’elles renferment. Journal de l’Ecole Polytechnique, 10:29–112, 1815.

[Cau26]    A. L. Cauchy. Exercices de Mathematique, volume 1. 1826.

[Cau40]    A. L. Cauchy. Exercices d’analyse et de physique mathematique, volume 1. Bachelier, Paris, 1840.

[Cau41]    A. L. Cauchy. Exercices d’analyse et de physique mathematique, volume 2. Bachelier, Paris, 1841.

[Cau43]    A. L. Cauchy. Analyse mathématique. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences, 17:523–531, 1843.

[Cau44]    A. L. Cauchy. Exercices d’analyse et de physique mathematique, volume 3. Bachelier, Paris, 1844.

[Cau47]    A. L. Cauchy. Exercices d’analyse et de physique mathematique, volume 4. Bachelier, Paris, 1847.

[CG96]    J. H. Conway and R. K. Guy. The Book of Numbers. Copernicus, New York, NY, 1996.

[Cha32]    G. Chakravarti. Growth and development of permutations and combinations in india. Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society, 24:79–88, 1932.

[Che82]    P. L. Chebyshev. O priblizhennyh vyrazhenijah odnih intergralov cherez drugie. Soobschenija i Protokoly Zasedanij Mathematicheskogo Obschestva pri Imperatorskom Khar’kovskom Universitete, 2:93–98, 1882. [Reprinted in [Che07, pp. 716–719]].

[Che07]    P. L. Chebyshev. Oeuvres, volume 2. Commissionaires de l’Académie impériale des sciences, St.-Pétersbourg, 1907.

[Che72]    T. C. Chen. Automatic computation of exponentials, logarithms, ratios and square roots. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 16:380–388, 1972.

[Chu85]    A. Church. The Calculi of Lambda Conversion. Annals of Mathematical Studies. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1985.

[Chu96]    A. Church. Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Princeton landmarks in mathematics and physics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1996.

[Chu19]    A. Church. The Collected Works of Alonzo Church. MIT Press, Cambridge, 2019.

[CK95]    C. Cooper and R. E. Kennedy. Proof of a result by jarden by generalizing a proof by carlitz. Fibonacci Quarterly, 33:304–311, 1995.

[Con01]    J. H. Conway. On Numbers and Games. A. K. Peters, Natik, Mass., 2nd edition, 2001.

[Coo79]    T. A. Cook. The Curves of Life. Dover Publications, New York, 1979.

[Cop04]    B. J. Copeland. The Essential Turing: Seminal Writings in Computing, Logic, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Life plus The Secrets of Enigma. Oxford University Press, New York, 2004.

[Cox53]    H. S. M. Coxeter. The golden section, phyllotaxis, and wythoff’s game. Scripta Mathematica, 19:135–143, 1953.

[CPS13]    B. J. Copeland, C. J. Posy, and Oron Shagrir. Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond. MIT Press, Cambridge, 2013.

[Cul07]    C. Cullen. The suán shú shū ..., “writings on reckoning”: Rewriting the history of early chinese mathematics in the light of an excavated manuscript. Historia Mathematica, 34:10–44, 2007.

[Dav59]    P. J. Davis. Leonhard euler’s integral: A historical profile of the gamma function. American Mathematical Monthly, 66:849–869, 1959.

[Dav04]    M. Davis. The Undecidable: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions. Dover Publications, Mineola, NY, 2004.

[dB57]    F. Faá di Bruno. Note sur une nouvelle formule de calcul différentiel. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1:359–360, 1857.

[Dic02]    L. E. Dickson. Theorems on the residues of multinomial coefficients with respect to a prime modulus. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 33:383–384, 1902.

[Dic05a]    L. E. Dickson. History of the Theory of Numbers, volume 1. Dover Publications, New York, 2005.

[Dic05b]    L. E. Dickson. History of the Theory of Numbers, volume 2. Dover Publications, New York, 2005.

[Dic05c]    L. E. Dickson. History of the Theory of Numbers, volume 3. Dover Publications, New York, 2005.

[Dij75]    E. W. Dijkstra. Guarded commands, nondeterminacy and formal derivation of programs. Communications of the ACM, 18:453–457, 1975.

[Dij76]    E. W. Dijkstra. A Discipline of Programming. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1976.

[Dix91]    A. C. Dixon. On the sum of the cubes of the coefficients in a certain expansion by the binomial theorem. Messenger of Mathematics, 20:79–80, 1891.

[Dix03]    A. C. Dixon. Summation of a certain series. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 35:285–289, 1903.

[dM22]    A. de Moivre. De fractionibus algebraicis radicalitate immunibus ad fractiones simpliciores reducendis, deque summandis terminis quarumdam serierum aequali intervallo a se distantibus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 32:162–178, 1722.

[dM30]    A. de Moivre. Miscellanea Analytica. Excudebant J. Tonson & J. Watts, London, 1730.

[dM38]    A. de Moivre. The Doctrine of Chances: Or, a Method of Calculating the Probability of Events in Play. H. Woodfall, London, 2nd edition, 1738.

[Dou07]    J. Dougall. On vandermonde’s theorem, and some more general expansions. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 25:114–132, 1907.

[Dut84]    J. Dutka. The early history of the hypergeometric function. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 31:15–34, 1984.

[DZ91]    P. Diaconis and S. Zabell. Closed form summation for classical distributions: Variations on a theme of de moivre. Statistical Science, 6:284–302, 1991.

[Ego77]    G. P. Egorychev. Integral’noe predstavlenie i vychislenie kombinatornykh summ. Nauka, Sibirskoe otd-nie, 1977. [Translated in [Ego84]].

[Ego84]    G. P. Egorychev. Integral Representation and the Computation of Combinatorial Sums. American Mathematical Society, 1984. [Translated from [Ego77]].

[EH90]    P. Eisele and K. P. Hadeler. Game of cards, dynamical systems, and a characterization of the floor and ceiling functions. American Mathematical Monthly, 97:475–477, 1990.

[Eis44]    G. Eisenstein. Geometrischer beweis des fundamentaltheorems für die quadratischer reste. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 28:246–248, 1844. [Crelle’s Journal].

[Euc06]    Euclid. The Elements: Books I–XIII. Barnes & Noble, New York, complete and unabridged edition, 2006.

[Eul29]    L. Euler. correspondence to Christian Goldbach, October 13 1729. [Reprinted in [Fus43, pp. 3–7]].

[Eul34]    L. Euler. De progressionibus harmonicis observationes. Commentarii academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae, 7:150–161, 1734.

[Eul41]    L. Euler. Observationes analyticae variae de combinationibus. Commentarii academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae, 13:64–93, 1741.

[Eul50]    L. Euler. De partitione numerorum. Novi commentarii academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae, 3:125–169, 1750.

[Eul74]    L. Euler. Demonstratio theorematis nevtoniani de evolvtione potestatum binomii pro casibus quibus exponentes non sunt sumeri integri. Novi commentarii academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae, 19:103, 1774.

[Eul24]    L. Euler. Institutionum calculi integralis, volume 1. Impensis Academiae Imperialis Scientiarum, Petropoli, 3rd edition, 1824.

[Eul27a]    L. Euler. Institutionum calculi integralis, volume 2. Impensis Academiae Imperialis Scientiarum, Petropoli, 3rd edition, 1827.

[Eul27b]    L. Euler. Institutionum calculi integralis, volume 3. Impensis Academiae Imperialis Scientiarum, Petropoli, 3rd edition, 1827.

[Eul45]    L. Euler. Institutionum calculi integralis, volume 4. Impensis Academiae Imperialis Scientiarum, Petropoli, 3rd edition, 1845.

[FB94]    R. W. Floyd and R. Beigel. The Language of Machines. Computer Science Press, New York, 1994.

[Fey99]    R. P. Feynman. Feynman Lectures on Computing. Perseus Books, Cambridge, Mass., 1999.

[Fin47]    N. J. Fine. Binomial coefficients modulo a prime. American Mathematical Monthly, 54:589–592, 1947.

[Flo67]    R. W. Floyd. Assigning meanings to programs. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, 19:19–32, 1967.

[Flo72]    R. W. Floyd. Toward interactive design of correct programs. Information Processing 71, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 71, 1:7–10, 1972.

[Fös35]    W. A. Föstemann. Einfacher beweis eines satzes der combinationslehre. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 13:237, 1835. [Crelle’s Journal].

[Fra02]    J. B. Fraleigh. A First Course in Abstract Algebra. Addison-Wesley, Boston, 7th edition, 2002.

[Fre47]    R. L. Frey, editor. The New Complete Hoyle. Stamford House, New York, 1947.

[Fus43]    P. H. Fuss. Correspondance mathématique et physique de quelques célébres geométres du XVIIiéme siécle, volume 1. l’Académie impériale des sciences, St. Petersbourg, 1843.

[Gar61]    M. Gardner. The 2nd Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1961. [Reprinted in [Gar08b]].

[Gar86]    M. Gardner. Knotted Doughnuts. W. H. Freeman, New York, 1986.

[Gar08a]    M. Gardner. Hexaflexagons, Probability Paradoxes, and the Tower of Hanoi: Martin Gardner’s First Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Games. The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

[Gar08b]    M. Gardner. Origami, Eleusis, and the Soma Cube: Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Diversions. The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

[Gar09]    M. Gardner. Sphere Packing, Lewis Carrol and Reversi. The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

[Gar14]    M. Gardner. Knots and Borromean Rings, Rep-Tiles, and Eight Queens: Martin Gardner’s Unexpected Hanging. The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

[Gau08]    C. F. Gauss. Summatio quarumdam serierum singularium. Commentationes societatis regiæ scientiarum Gottingensis recentiores, 1:147–186, 1808. [Page numbers from Kraus reprint of 1970; reprinted in [Gau63, pp. 9–45]].

[Gau13]    C. F. Gauss. Disquisitiones generales circa seiem infinitam 1 + αβ 1.γx + α(α+1)β(β+1) 1.2.γ(γ+1) xx + α(α+1)(α+2)β(β+1)(β+2) 1.2.3.γ(γ+1)(γ+2) x3 + etc. pars prior. Commentationes societatis regiae scientiarum Gottingensis recentiores, 2, 1813. [Delivered 1812; reprinted in [Gau76, p. 123–163; see also unpublished sequel pp. 207–229]].

[Gau63]    C. F. Gauss. Werke, volume 2. Dieterich, Göttingen, 1863.

[Gau76]    C. F. Gauss. Werke, volume 3. Dieterich, Göttingen, 1876.

[Gau65]    C. F. Gauss. Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1965.

[Gir29]    A. Girard. Invention Nouvelle en Algébre. Amsterdam, 1629. [Reprinted in [Gir84]].

[Gir84]    A. Girard. Invention Nouvelle en Algébre. Leiden, 1884. [Reprint of [Gir29]].

[GK66]    H. W. Gould and J. Kaucký. Evaluation of a class of binomial coefficient summations. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, 1:233–247, 1966.

[GKP94]    R. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth, and O. Patashnik. Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 2nd edition, 1994.

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